Infrarot Repeater DIY Guide – self-made IR-Repeater Remote control HiFi equipment with the remote control through wall and cupboard
The new IR-Repeater solder guide makes it possible for you to accommodate your HiFi equipment and the TV receiver in a cupboard or even remotely control a PC, Media Player, etc. with a remote control unit from another room. Infrared signals from a remote control do not transmit through a wall or in a HiFi cabinet, so this IR extender receives and modulate the IR signals and passes them via a cable to two IR transmitter diodes which are transmitting the signal to the respective HiFi equipment, HTPC, Media Player or PC with IR receiver. So one can install a television for example in the living room and control the receiver in a cabinet or control the devices with an infrared remote in another room. The electronic parts for soldering the new IR extension are available as an inexpensive kit at the OCinside.de Fanshop. So heat your soldering iron up and enjoy reading the infrared repeater solder guide and build one by yourself.
The purpose of the IR repeater …
Who wants to place his HiFi equipment or PC with USB Ultra IR-receiver hidden in a wall unit or possibly even behind a wall, knows the problem: How do you get the infrared remote control signal to each device? For infrared extension / IR repeater operation this IR-Repeater DIY guide was developed. The infrared repeater receives the IR signals, modulated and passes them via a simple 2-wire cable to two infrared transmitter diodes that send the signal to the HiFi equipment, media player or PC with IR receiver. The 2-pin cable can be several meters long and does not even need a shield. So you can it around corners and drill a small hole through the wall of cabinet back and then conveniently lay the cable. A spread of IR signals over several floors would be possible, because even 100 meters of cable connected to the transmitter diodes should not be a problem. Depending on the remote control unit and IR coding, the IR transmitter diodes can be about 20-30 cm away from the devices IR receivers, so that you can control multiple devices simultaneously with only one IR-Repeater Set. But you also can solder both transmitter diodes directly next to each other or each IR transmitter on a separate cable for transmitting different positions. It is up to you.
These parts are required …
The components are available as kit in the fan shop.
Here’s a short YouTube video in German with English subtitles.
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1x Vishay TSOP31238 (38 kHz infrared receiver)
2x LD274 infrared emitting diode
1x 8-pin IC socket
1x NE 555 IC
1x 7805 voltage regulator
1x BD 139 transistor
1x BC 549C transistor
1x Red low current LED
1x 4.7µF 16V capacitor (electrolytic capacitor or tantalum) upright version
1x 1nF capacitor (ceramic layer or multilayer) standing version
1x 47 Ohm resistor (0.25 W)
3x 1.5 K resistor (0.25 W)
1x 6.8 K resistor (0.25 W)
1x 10K resistor (0.25 W)
1x breadboard Euro board (an approximately 5.4 x 3.2 cm small piece of 20 x 12 holes are enough)
1x at least 2-pole 1.5 meter cable 1x 9V battery clip 1x 9V battery (not included in kit)
Continue to the function and the circuit diagram of the IR repeater …