Layout, design and features …
The Enermax Liqmax III 120 is a 120mm all-in-one solution. The pump and the radiator are attached to each other. As usual, the Liqmax III is maintenance free, so you don’t have to worry about it after installation.
The processing of the radiator is good, the fins are clean …
The profile is pleasantly flat with 27mm height.
The pump has a copper bottom which is covered with a protective foil. This also contains the usual warning.
If you remove the foil, you will see some fine scratches, but they are much more harmless than it appears on the picture.
For power supply the pump uses a 3 pin connector, which is also compatible to the 4 pin PWM connectors on the motherboards. In addition, there is an adapter to supply power to the pump via a SATA power connector.
… and the white strip around the pump illuminates RGB.
The enclosed fan UCHF12P-LMT makes a very good impression, is well processed and has no sharp edges!
In addition, a rubber surface was incorporated at each corner for acoustic decoupling.
The speed range of the UCHF12P-LMT is between 500 and 2000 rpm.
The fan of the RGB version UCHF12P-RGB uses the same fan blade design.
Here you can see the technical data.
And here you can see the even lighting.
The RGB control of the fan and the pump is done exclusively by the motherboard, because no RGB controller is included. It must therefore have a compatible controller. For a few Euros there are also small RGB controllers available via Amazon with which you can control the fan lighting.
In a small video you can see the Enermax Liqmax III 120 RGB lighting, controlled with the wave mode.
Enermax Liqmax III 120 Installation …