Result and general impression …
The Enermax Liqmax III 120 (RGB) AIO water cooling systems are in principle good and above all very inexpensive solutions for cooling a CPU up to approx. 260 TDP according to the manufacturer.
The workmanship and the performance in the total package are appealing and in view of the favourable price one can highly recommend the Enermax Liqmax III 120! If you also want an RGB lighting, you can use the RGB version as an alternative, which delivers a slightly lower cooling performance, but is also more silent. If you want to overclock, you should choose a larger version, like the Enermax Liqmax III 240 RGB AIO with up to 330W TDP.
All in all we can recommend the Liqmax III 120 and the Liqmax III 120 RGB for a small budget and award our OCinside.de Price Tip Award 10/2019 for this extremely low price.
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Here you can order the Enermax Liqmax III 120 (RGB) at a reasonable price. *Ad