A-RGB Lighting …
To get a first impression of the lighting, we leave out the front fan grille on the housing and simulate operation behind a pane of glass. The first thing we notice is the high luminosity of the F360 Core fans.
But behind the dust protection grille of the walnut wood grill of our test housing, a special effect occurs. The brightness of the fans is slightly dimmed, but now the RGB fans show extremely saturated colors with still high luminosity, which is rarely seen with RGB fans. The color saturation of the following photos was NOT changed during photo editing.
As we have already tested a few other RGB fans in this housing, we can attest to the high luminosity and color intensity of the F360 RGB Core fans.
Of course, we have also captured the luminosity in a short video and uploaded it to our OCinside YouTube channel. Enjoy watching and if you want, you can subscribe directly to our YouTube channel so you don’t miss any new videos.
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NZXT F360 RGB Core with RGB/FAN controller Overall impression and conclusion …