More than 15 years ago, OCinside.de is published in the Web and reaches a wide visitor range with several hundreds of reviews and tutorials. Since years, OCinside.de is not only publishing articles about PC overclocking, but rather about every interesting hardware. Minor updates included in the daily business, but now the largest update of OCinside.de along with new logo is succeeded still on time for the CeBIT 2015. Certainly there will be some readers who are looking back to the old site, but to sweeten the transition time a little, there is also a big contest with awesome prices !
You can win an ASRock motherboard with an AMD processor and Cooler Master cooler, a Crucial 512GB SSD or as a consolation prize, additionally a small 60GB SSD 😉 You may attend the OCinside 2.0 contest until 27th March 2015 and then the lucky winners will be drawn. Just write us a few lines in the German contest topic and/or on our OCinside Facebook site, how do you like the new portal. At this point many thanks to all visitors, webmaster, editors and cooperation partners for their many years of loyalty. But now enjoy discovering OCinside.de 2.0 !