The new LCD acrylic glass holder … Here’re the reasons for the new acrylic glass display holder … The 20×4 LC(D) display whether in blue/white or violet/green are exactly the best for each PC, where they can be used for a j-box (HiFi PC project), or you would like to use them with a normal PC. It is really unbelievable what LCD displays can show you with new LCD programs like e.g. JaLCD or Smartie – temperature, utilization of the … Continue reading Acrylic LCD Display holder assembly instructions
Monthly Archives: April 2005
Acrylic LCD Display holder assembly instructions without the black front
The assembly of the acrylic glass display holder without front screen… First of all remove the internal protective plastic film from the acrylic glass holder, because you cannot take it easy off after the assembly. The outside protective plastic film can remain up to the end of the assembly on the acrylic glass holder, but if you work carefully you can directly take it off. Here you see a pic from the acrylic glass holder without plastic film … Here’s … Continue reading Acrylic LCD Display holder assembly instructions without the black front
Acrylic LCD Display holder assembly instructions with the black front
The assembly of the acrylic glass display holder with black screen … First of all remove the inner protective plastic film from the acrylic glass holder, because you cannot take her easy off after the assembly.The outside protective plastic film can remain up to the end of the assembly on the acrylic glass holder, but if you work carefully you can directly take it off. Here you see a picture from the acrylic glass holder without plastic film … Then … Continue reading Acrylic LCD Display holder assembly instructions with the black front