Cougar SX-700 700W Modular PSU Review

Who like to overclock the PC to get a better performance, should buy an recommendable OC motherboard, RAM, processor, heatsink, carefully selected enclosure and a suitable power supply. Because at least during a longer operation time on high power consumption an unsuitable PSU can get unstable. Not only Overclocker can profit from a well dimensioned power supply, but also all other users, who prefer a stable PC and also like to reduce the electricity bill. In this review the modular … Continue reading Cougar SX-700 700W Modular PSU Review

Sapphire PI-AM3RS785G AMD Socket AM3 DDR3 Micro ATX Motherboard Review

Some Socket AM3 motherboards with AMD 7xx chipset were already tested at and today the Sapphire PI-AM3RS785G is overclocked and tested. The micro ATX motherboard is based on the AMD 785G chipset with SB710 southbridge and it has a HD4200 onBoard graphics unit with 128MB sideport memory. This combination was already very powerful in previously tested AMD 785G standard ATX boards. In the current review we will see if the Sapphire micro ATX motherboard performance is also impressive and … Continue reading Sapphire PI-AM3RS785G AMD Socket AM3 DDR3 Micro ATX Motherboard Review

ASRock 890FX Deluxe4 Socket AM3 DDR3 Motherboard Review

ASRock 890FX Deluxe4 is really a Deluxe Socket AM3 motherboard based on the AMD 890FX chipset with SB850 southbridge. Five PCI Express slots, four USB3.0 ports, whereby two of them are connected with the enclosed USB3.0 front panel, six SATA3 connectors provided by SB850, two additional SATA3 ports provided by a Marvel SE9120 chip, one eSATA3 connector, one conventional IDE port, Gigabit LAN, optical and coaxial SPDIF sound output in addition to the six analog sound connectors of the ALC892 … Continue reading ASRock 890FX Deluxe4 Socket AM3 DDR3 Motherboard Review

ASRock 890GX Extreme4 AMD Socket AM3 DDR3 Motherboard Review

ASRock tops their own excellent 890GX Extreme3 with the brandnew ASRock 890GX Extreme4 motherboard. With this board overclocking is fun and makes overclockers hearts beating faster. The overclocking result became once again better, there are more voltage adjustments and also the equipment was extended. Thanks to the enclosed front USB3.0 panel it is now possible to insert USB 3.0 devices like for example USB3.0 memory sticks finally into the PC front. In this review, the new 890GX motherboard with onBoard … Continue reading ASRock 890GX Extreme4 AMD Socket AM3 DDR3 Motherboard Review

Crucial RealSSD C300 256GB SATA3 CTFDDAC256MAG-1G1 SSD Review

With the 256GB RealSSD C300 Crucial developed an enormously fast SATA3 SSD, which can clearly eclipse usual SATA2 Solid State Drives. In this test report, the Crucial RealSSD C300 256GB SATA3 SSD was practically tested and benchmarked on a SATA3 interface and on a SATA2 controller. The Redaktion review will show, if the at present largest and fastest 256GB RealSSD from Crucial is a great choice. Thanks for the support … Many thanks for the support with the Crucial … Continue reading Crucial RealSSD C300 256GB SATA3 CTFDDAC256MAG-1G1 SSD Review

USB infrared receiver driver download and installation

USB infrared receiver drivers – download and installation First we need the Igor USB drivers, which can be !!! downloaded here !!! Unpack the files e.g. with Winzip in any folder of your hard drive, in my case I put it into C:IgorPlugUSB. Now in this folder there is the needed .inf file for Win 9x, Win 2000, Win XP and so on, the original firmware and a little test program. Now the time is right to plug in your … Continue reading USB infrared receiver driver download and installation

ASRock 890GM Pro3 AMD Socket AM3 DDR3 Motherboard Review

A few weeks ago, the ASRock 890GX Extreme3 motherboard was tested at and the result was excellent with the updated BIOS version. In this review, an equivalent Micro ATX board with 890GX chipset is overclocked to the limit. This mATX motherboard has also integrated USB3.0, SATA3 and eSATA3, as well as the fast onBoard HD4290 GPU with sideport memory. Let us see, if this small 890GM Pro3 mATX motherboard can keep up with the large 890GX Extreme3 ATX board.

gamescom 2010 Coverage

The gamescom 2010 took place again in Cologne, Germany this year and is without a doubt one of the most important gaming fairs in Europe. The online magazine visited also the gamescom and shows on 7 pages several new games, hardware, casemods, controller and game consoles. It is only available in German language, but it is worth watching the pictures or use a translation tool to discover the latest gaming trends. Continue reading the gamescom 2010 Coverage …

Interactive AMD Athlon 64 product ID guide version 3.1

AMD description – The interactive AMD Athlon 64 product ID OPN guide The interactive AMD Athlon 64 product ID guide for the identification of the AMD CPU description (OPN) is available in the version 3.1 and contains all current AMD processors. Simply select the description of the AMD Athlon 64 CPU over the dropdown fields and get the technical data of the processor virtually. The service is of course completely free and can be directly controlled by online Shops, forums, … Continue reading Interactive AMD Athlon 64 product ID guide version 3.1

Hitachi Deskstar 7K1000.C 1TB SATA2 HDS721010CLA332 HDD Review

This review is not about an SSD, but about the current Hitachi Deskstar 7K1000.C 1TB HDD with a very good cost-performance ratio. Sure, many PC or Mac owners save already their money for a fast Solid State Drive, however the price difference between HDD and SSD with the same capacity is so enormously high, that most SSD buyers will need an additional hard disk drive for their PC or Mac. Let us have a closer look at the results of … Continue reading Hitachi Deskstar 7K1000.C 1TB SATA2 HDS721010CLA332 HDD Review

Intel Unlock Overclock – Intel Core i7 Overclocking Guide

Intel Unlock Overclock – Intel Core i7 Overclocking Guide Intel Unlock Overclock Phase 3 – Overclocking the Intel Core i7 PC … Who did not already read the beginning of the guide, find here the first page of the Intel Unlock Overclock article. Well, then we power on the PC and look if everything is working. This Gigabyte full screen boot logo looks very nice, but we should deactivate it in the BIOS. BIOS Update … Before we change any … Continue reading Intel Unlock Overclock – Intel Core i7 Overclocking Guide

Intel Unlock Overclock Guide

Intel Unlock Overclock Mission Last week the Redaktion got a request, if we are interested in an unique Intel Unlock Overclock Mission. Intel Unlock Overclock Mission? That sounds a bit unreliable, but after a few mails it was almost clear what we are talking about and of course like to participate in any Unlock or Overclock topic. Thus we agreed without further ado and a few days later came a large package from the United States. The Intel … Continue reading Intel Unlock Overclock Guide

OCZ Agility 128GB SATA2 OCZSSD2-1AGT120G SSD Review

Who like to upgrade or build a new PC, will think about buying an SSD, at least during the first purchase consideration. However in the price comparison one realizes that the price of a Solid State Drive is much higher than the price of a conventional Hard Disk Drive with the same capacity. Nevertheless, the prices of SSDs are getting lower, and who like to get an overclocked PC much faster, will already find some interesting drives in the lower … Continue reading OCZ Agility 128GB SATA2 OCZSSD2-1AGT120G SSD Review

Gigabyte GA-MA770T-UD3P Socket AM3 DDR3 Motherboard Review

The new Gigabyte GA-MA770T-UD3P motherboard is build with the AMD 770 chipset and the SB710 southbridge and it is the first AMD DDR3 board on It is in the lower price segment, but it has awesome settings and a nice overclocking result. The review will show how high the performance and the overclocking result of the Gigabyte MA770T-UD3P is in comparison to the previous Socket AM3 DDR2 board.

ASRock 890GX Extreme3 with BIOS Version P1.80 Review Update

It took less than 24 hours, until ASRock published a new BIOS version after our ASRock 890GX Extreme3 review. Not all bugs has been fixed with this update, but it showed that ASRock keep at it and that they already improved their first incorrect BIOS. Our review announcement is now about 6 weeks ago and in the meantime ASRock send us a lot of unofficial and official BIOS versions for this ASRock 890GX Extreme3 board. Currently, there is officially the … Continue reading ASRock 890GX Extreme3 with BIOS Version P1.80 Review Update