Power supply issues if you overclock your Athlon on eg. ASUS K7M

Power supply issues when overclock your Athlon on K7M: You may get problems in overclocking your Athlon if you have small power supply unit !!! There’s a big label on your ASUS mainboard manual to use at least a 235W supply, but several pages later there is an other comment to use only above 250W – hmmm. It’s not a big difference between these values but it may be enough to get an instable Windows ! If you recall my … Continue reading Power supply issues if you overclock your Athlon on eg. ASUS K7M

Intel Pentium 3 FSB change to overclock

How to change Pentium III FSB above 100MHz: If you can’t change the FSB of your mainboard but wan’t to overclock this CPU with 133 MHz FSB you have to cover up pin A14 with a adhesive tape or nail varnish to pretend an 133MHz CPU. It’s easy to locate this pin – over these pins are some small numbers like A1, A73, A74, A121. just count from the left Pin on the frontside 14 steps to the right pin. … Continue reading Intel Pentium 3 FSB change to overclock

Calculate the p-rating of an AMD Athlon XP CPU

It should be known that an AMD Athlon XP 1600+ CPU doesn’t run with 1600 MHz … by default 😉 but who likes to calculate all the P-ratings ? From now on it’s unnecessary to search for the right one, or set a wrong CPU frequency, because i’ve published a new very easy to use interactive P-Rating calculator. Just type in the P-Rating or the CPU frequency and you’ll get the result.

Step by step guide how to cut and paint the Athlon XP / Morgan bridges

Step by step guide how to cut and paint the AMD Athlon XP, Morgan, T-Bred,etc bridges: If you’ve already looked at the AMD Athlon XP Processor or at the XP painting guide, you’ve noticed that the OPGA (Organic Pin Grid Array) CPU isn’t a ceramic CPU. Cut the bridges: Because of the softer ground it’s much easier to cut these bridges and unlike the older ceramic CPU’s you don’t need to spend lot’s of time on this modification. Usually you … Continue reading Step by step guide how to cut and paint the Athlon XP / Morgan bridges


It’s very easy to increase the Vcore of the SOYO SY K7V Dragon Plus and the SY-KT333 DRAGON Ultra mainboard by soldering just one resistor to the right point to allow your CPU much higher frequency. Of course it’s necessary to be very careful if you’re soldering something on your mainboard in order not to kill your board. And of course your warranty void if you solder anything on your mainboard ! Therefore i recommend a good grounding and a … Continue reading SOYO SY K7V Dragon Plus VCORE MOD

SOYO SY KT400A Dragon Lite Vcore mod

It’s very easy to increase the Vcore of the SOYO SY KT400A Dragon Lite mainboard by soldering just one resistor to the right point to allow your CPU much higher frequency. Of course it’s necessary to be very careful if you’re soldering something on your mainboard in order not to kill your board. And of course your warranty void if you solder anything on your mainboard ! Therefore i recommend a good grounding and a soldering station with seperate grounding … Continue reading SOYO SY KT400A Dragon Lite Vcore mod

Elitegroup (ECS) K7S6A, K7S5A, K7VZA and K7AMA VCORE MOD

It’s very easy to increase the Vcore of the Elitegroup (ECS) Mainboards K7S6A, K7S5A, K7VZA and K7AMA by soldering just one resistor to the right point to allow your CPU much higher frequency. Of course it’s necessary to be very careful if you’re soldering something on your mainboard in order not to kill your board. And of course your warranty void if you solder anything on your mainboard ! Therefore i recommend a good grounding and a soldering station with … Continue reading Elitegroup (ECS) K7S6A, K7S5A, K7VZA and K7AMA VCORE MOD

1st April 2001 fool – Intel multiplier unlock

It is finished, now AMD is perhaps again go down the drain and Intel could quickly the hearts of overclockers conquer !!! A resourceful Finn has the seemingly impossible found out what thousands already overclockers turn are desperate! The solution of the problem but so close and for each Intel FCPGA user to easily perform and Other designs are already working feverishly. First a brief explanation of how Intel changed the Multi: The multiplier of Intel Pentium III Intel is … Continue reading 1st April 2001 fool – Intel multiplier unlock

Howto overclock AMD Barton, Sempron, T-Bred and Athlon XP CPU step by step guide

Instructions how to overclock AMD Barton, Sempron, T-Bred and Athlon XP CPUs Here’s the brand-new overclocking guide for AMD socketA processors to simplify OC (OverClocking) and to give tips with respect to current hardware. Several things had changed in the last years so that the first ocinside.de AMD socket A processor oc guide from december 2000 is outdated. Of course you can buy an AMD Athlon 64, because you’ll get in the next few months several guides for it at … Continue reading Howto overclock AMD Barton, Sempron, T-Bred and Athlon XP CPU step by step guide

AMD description – The interactive AMD SocketA Produkt ID OPN guide

The useful interactive AMD Socket A product ID guide got today an extensive update and is now with the new version 1.4 again up-to-date. With this interactive guide it’s possible on the basis of numbers and characters on the Socket A CPU to get the Vcore, CPU temperature, size of the L2 Cache, the officially given FSB and the multiplier of the CPU within a few seconds.

20×4 and 20×2 LCD display DIY guide

The new soldering guide with two different pinouts… What’s the sense in putting a display in your PC… It’s up to your own how you use the display, shall it be for displaying song tiles, indication of DVD, VideoCD, or musicCD-titles, for showing the data of mainboard monitoring programms like Mainboard Monitor to have the temperatures or the speed-o-meter in the eye angle, to represent different gamestats,for showing the up- and/or downloadspeed of the internet or network connection or just … Continue reading 20×4 and 20×2 LCD display DIY guide

20×4 LCD display DIY guide

The wire has to be soldered to the 20×4 rows display like this… In order that nothing can go wrong i indicate all colors. Pin1 black and ground, Pin2 red, Pin3 grey, Pin4 green-brown, Pin5 blue, Pin6 brown, Pin7 yellow-brown, Pin8 green, Pin9 yellow-white, Pin10 pink, Pin11 grey-brown, Pin12 purple, Pin13 green-white, Pin14 yellow, Pin15 blue-red, Pin16 white. That’s it! Here is the pinout of the other side of the display. And here is a picture of the finished display … Continue reading 20×4 LCD display DIY guide

20×2 LCD DIY guide

The wire has to be soldered to the 20×2 rows display like this… In order that nothing can go wrong I indicate all colors. Pin1 black and ground, Pin2 red, Pin3 grey, Pin4 green-brown, Pin5 blue, Pin6 brown, Pin7 yellow-brown, Pin8 green, Pin9 yellow-white, Pin10 pink, Pin11 grey-brown, Pin12 violet, Pin13 green-white, Pin14 yellow, Pin15 blue-red, Pin16 white. The allocation is in the theory the same as with a normal single-line allocation, however the pins are count different – Pin … Continue reading 20×2 LCD DIY guide

Self-made USB infrared receiver to remote control your PC

Self-made USB infrared receiver to remote control your PC Succeeding the infrared receiver for the serial port I would like to present to you a very special instruction, which leads you to possession of an IR receiver fro the USB port. USB is unfortunately a bit more complicated than serial … Admittedly it is not as easy as the use of the serial port, because the USB port needs special drivers to run. Thus we need some kind of firmware, … Continue reading Self-made USB infrared receiver to remote control your PC