AMD Athlon 500 Overclocking with Cachedivisor Here are the AMD Athlon 500 Overclocking results with different cache divisor. Results from 17.01.2000: Now my second Athlon 500 CPU runs without any problems at 850MHz. I changed the cachedivisor to 1/3 instead of 1/2 to get the Athlon 50MHz higher. It’s questionable if it’s worth to increase CPU speed by decreasing the cacherate. But i notice only an insignificant difference between 1/2 Cache and 1/3 with benchmark programs like Final reality or … Continue reading AMD Athlon 500 Overclocking with Cachedivisor
Gigabyte 7IX and MSI 6167 Overclocking Results
Gigabyte 7IX and MSI 6167 Overclocking Results Here are some Gigabyte 7IX and MSI 6167 Mainboard Overclocking Results. On 19.12.1999 we’ve tested two AMD Athlon 500 processors on 3 different boards. We got best results with the new ASUS K7M board. We had some problems to overclock the Athlon processor with the Gigabyte 7IX and MSI 6167 board: – It’s impossible to change CPU-Vcore by Jumper or BIOS. – We soldered the Vcore, but it failed to get results above … Continue reading Gigabyte 7IX and MSI 6167 Overclocking Results
CeBIT 2006 Report
7 pages and 80 pictures covers the current Redaktion CeBIT 2006 report, which was planned originally as short summary for “Hardware Freaks”. However, like every year it’s difficulty to say, what’s most interested. Because the abundance with well over 20 halls probably impress all visitors since many years. The pages are cut into the ranges Gaming, CaseMod / CaseCon, new Motherboards, new cooler and heatsinks, new cases and first impressions. It’s only in german language available, but I’m sure … Continue reading CeBIT 2006 Report
Daily Hardware News
Acrylic LCD Display holder assembly instructions
The new LCD acrylic glass holder … Here’re the reasons for the new acrylic glass display holder … The 20×4 LC(D) display whether in blue/white or violet/green are exactly the best for each PC, where they can be used for a j-box (HiFi PC project), or you would like to use them with a normal PC. It is really unbelievable what LCD displays can show you with new LCD programs like e.g. JaLCD or Smartie – temperature, utilization of the … Continue reading Acrylic LCD Display holder assembly instructions
Acrylic LCD Display holder assembly instructions without the black front
The assembly of the acrylic glass display holder without front screen… First of all remove the internal protective plastic film from the acrylic glass holder, because you cannot take it easy off after the assembly. The outside protective plastic film can remain up to the end of the assembly on the acrylic glass holder, but if you work carefully you can directly take it off. Here you see a pic from the acrylic glass holder without plastic film … Here’s … Continue reading Acrylic LCD Display holder assembly instructions without the black front
Acrylic LCD Display holder assembly instructions with the black front
The assembly of the acrylic glass display holder with black screen … First of all remove the inner protective plastic film from the acrylic glass holder, because you cannot take her easy off after the assembly.The outside protective plastic film can remain up to the end of the assembly on the acrylic glass holder, but if you work carefully you can directly take it off. Here you see a picture from the acrylic glass holder without plastic film … Then … Continue reading Acrylic LCD Display holder assembly instructions with the black front
Build your own LC-Display older
This LCD display self mounting instruction has not so much to do with overclocking but it made fun to me to install and set up the display so that I don?t want to withhold it from you. (LC display would be the right expression as it is called already Liquid Crystal Display, but it sounds strange to me) What is finally shown on the display and if you mount the display in a 5 ¼ ” front blind of the … Continue reading Build your own LC-Display older