After you've selected the default CPU core voltage, you're able to
choose the new Vcore.
Because we don't ground (VSS) any pins with this method, it's just possible
to select
a few voltages.
The variety of selectable Vcore depent on the default Vcore of your CPU.
I'll add a few default core soon but it's not possible to increase the
Vcore of older 2,8 V CPU
with the "tape it" method.
Now you just have to isolate the black shown pins.
Either you could paste a small adhesive tape over the pins and cut out
the tape with a sharp knife,
or you just isolate the pins with nail varnish.
But i recommend to renew the tape or nail varnish after every time you
took out the CPU.
And also think about better cooling if you increase the core voltage !