DVB-T Stick SDR Guide – SDR-Receiver with DVB-T USB Stick …
Almost everyone has it in his electronic accessories box – a DVB-T USB stick. Actually, it was a good idea, but with the introduction of digital TV Everywhere-DVB-T there rises the mighty cable, satellite and IPTV lobby. And so many parts of Germany are supplied only with the bare minimum. But as a resourceful hobbyist you do not throw those sticks away … Now there is a great possibility to help the DVB-T Stick get back its old glory. It is called SDR and is the acronym for Software Defined Radio. Using a specific chipset DVB-T Stick, it is possible to cover a broadband frequency spectrum and receive radio signals. And that can sometimes be more interesting than a boring television program.
Thanks for the support …
Many thanks for the support with the review to Marauder25.
Here you can buy the SDR-Receiver and more SDR Accessories. *AdQuestions, suggestions and criticism, you can tell us in the PC forum (German and English) and if you like this guide, we would appreciate a Like at our OCinside.de Facebook Seite.