USB Ultra Infrared Receiver to remote control PC, remote power on PC and remote power off PC !
Today, another interesting infrared receiver solder guide for the PC is finished. Who like to control the PC or HTPC comfortable from the sofa, can solder different IR receiver types for commercially available universal remote controls. There are some self building guides in the ocinside.de modding section for several years and today a new special infrared receiver soldering guide for the PC is published.
After the extended guide for the infrared receiver with hardware side function to remotely switch the PC ON or OFF as full USB variant with the name “USB Ultra infrared receiver” or briefly “USB Ultra IR” a new version 2.0 is now available.
The new USB Ultra infrared receiver v2.0 was – contrary to the previous version – extended by some electronic components and offers thereby new functions and some improvements. The USB Ultra IR v2.0 indicates now with a red LED the receipt of infrared signals. A green LED indicates that a power on/off signal is received which was programmed before. Furthermore a new TSOP receiver unit is used, which is more sensitive and more energy efficient. Last but not least the USB wiring was optimized, so that the operation also with all newer PCs and current motherboards should be no problem, since the USB data lines are now reduced to 3.3V instead of 5V. All other functions are explained exactly on the following pages, thus much pleasure with reading and soldering.
Where is the sense of an infrared receiver at the PC …
If you like to use the PC to watch television or S-VCD, DVD, DivX files or if you like to build a complete J-box II project with LCD display, etc. for the HiFi rack, you would also like to enjoy the comfort to remote control all applications of this PC easily from the sofa.
So the first Luxus/Lowcost infrared receiver circuit was published in July 2002 on ocinside.de and the goal was a remote controlled PC with a connection to the serial port. The next development was the USB infrared receiver guide to control the PC with a conventional remote control unit, but with an USB connection instead of using the serial port. So, there’re a few ways to manage this very comfortable – may be with the well-known Luxus IR, Lowcost IR, USB IR, or with the new USB Ultra infrared receiver which is now also offered as a complete kit in the Fanshop.
That is new at the USB Ultra infrared receiver 2.0 …
Well, but what can the USB Ultra IR receiver contrary to conventional infrared receivers ? Very simple – on the one hand it receives the signals to send it to the PC Software (like Girder, WinLIRC, etc), but on the other hand it can also compare infrared signals to power off or power on the PC. So it’s possible to remotely power on the PC (ATX Power Button, WoL, etc.), watch a film or hear some music and hardware side power off the PC. The PC can thus be completely controlled with a usual remote control unit (38 kHz RC-5) e.g. of the television, or another HiFi component and/or all universal remote control units. And since the latest version 2.0 this is additionally shown with two light emitting diodes.
Take some pretzel sticks or chips, loll on the sofa and watch TV, hear music, etc. 🙂
These units are necessary …
! Now with both programmed Atmel ICs available in the Fanshop !
1x Vishay TSOP 31238 (38 kHz infrared receiver)
1x Atmel ATtiny45-20PU (this IC have to be programmed like in the Fanshop !)
1x Atmel ATtiny13V-10PU (this IC have to be programmed like in the Fanshop !)
2x 8-pin IC-Socket
1x optoelectronic coupler CNY17-2
1x 12MHz quartz
2x Zener diodes 3.6V
1x red low-current LED
1x green low-current LED
1x 4.7µF / 16 volt capacitor (Elko or Tantal) vertical construction
1x 100nF capacitor (ceramik, layer or multilayer) vertical construction
2x 22pF ceramik capacitors vertical construction
3x 1.5 K resistors (0,25 watt)
2x 68 Ohm resistors (0,25 watt)
1x 390 Ohm resistor (0,25 watt)
1x 2-pole strip for the jumper
1x Jumper
1x Printed circuit board (PCB); approx. 6.8 x 3.2 cm with 25 x 12 holes is sufficient
1x USB A-Plug
1x approx. 1 meter shielded data cable with at least 4 pins (alternatively a finished USB cabel with A-plug like in the fanshop kit can be used)
1x 2-pole cable approx. 1,5 meter