Construction, design and features …
The pump unit has several special features: On the top we find an Antec lettering, which is illuminated from the inside. In addition, the connections of the hoses are located on the side and are rotatable.
The whole is connected via SATA cable, the 3-pin connection is only used to read the pump speed.
The contact surface of copper can be seen from below. On the surface are very fine grooves from the CNC milling machine, which turn out somewhat narrower than the competitors.
The radiator is similar in principle to that of other AiO cooling systems, but the differences are in the detail. On the one hand, the shape is held in a right-angled manner, and on the other hand, we do not find any bent-out cooling fins this time.
It can be seen that the radiator with 27mm is very narrow.
Antec H2O H1200 Pro installation …