Result and general impression …
At the current market price of just 9 Euro, the Arctic P12 Max PC fans offers almost unbeatable value for money. You can use them to improve the cooling performance of a water cooling system thanks to the blazing maximum speed of 3300 rpm, or to move masses of fresh air into a PC case to provide the graphics card or a CPU cooler with more than enough fresh air for cooling. However, you should be noise resistant, or have a powerful sound system playing against the stormy noise of the fans when you call up the maximum power. In return, the fans can also be controlled excellently in low speed range thanks to perfect PWM implementation despite the wide speed range and can even be set to silent standstill if required.
Workmanship and material are also flawless and there was nothing to complain about during installation. Only the equipment offers some potential for improvement, since no Y-adapters for cascading the fans are included, but that is a minor issue that is certainly due to the extremely low purchase price.
With this great overall performance, the Arctic P12 Max PC fans easily secure our OCinside.de Price Tip Award 06/2023.
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