Arctic Summair Light Review

Field test …

In practice, the Arctic Summair Light makes a good figure at the laptop. Since almost every laptop should has a USB port on the right or left side, there are no problems to be expected.

On the home PC or workplace it looks different. Here it is necessary to have a USB connection at the level of the upper body, e.g. if the PC is on the desk or as in our example, the monitor provides USB connections.

Here it seems that the 5.5cm gooseneck is rather narrow and may be too short in some situations.

A further obstacle during the test turned out to be the slightly round USB connection and its detent. it prevented the fan from connecting to the USB port of an Apple keyboard, so we had to switch to a USB hub.

With a little inventor spirit or a USB hub or USB extension, you can find almost always a way to use the fan.

The greatest possible flexibility is, of course, the operation at a Powerbank.

By operating on an external battery with a USB connection, even an outdoor use, e.g. on the beach or in the garden, is no problem.

Arctic Summair Light conclusion and overall impression …