Construction, design and features …
Let’s start with the Cryorig H7.
The Cryorig H7 is equipped with a white fan. We also recognize rubber elements for decoupling in the corners of the fan.
From the side you can see the inclined heatpipes. As a result, the cooler moves away from the RAM slots, so that they are not covered. Even modules with very high radiators shouldn’t cause problems.
Here you can see the Cryorig H7 from behind. The spacing of the fins allows us to see the fan through the radiator.
The radiator base is protected from scratches with a foil. The bracket is already pre-assembled and can be adjusted according to the socket.
On the black top, the Cryorig logo is applied in white.
As a new feature we have for the first time on OCinside.de an interactive all-round view of the cooler, which you can rotate with the mouse by 360 degrees.

Let’s get to the Cryorig H7 Quad Lumi.
The fan of the Cryorig H7 Quad Lumi is transparent. Also this model has in the corners rubber elements for decoupling.
With the Cryorig H7 Quad Lumi, the heatpipes also make a kink, so that the RAM slots are not covered by the cooler.
Of course, the Cryorig H7 Quad Lumi also protects the floor with foil. You can also see another mounting solution, which also has a slight cooling rib profile. On the bottom of the last cooling fin, we see a LED strip.
In the black top of the Cryorig H7 Quad Lumi the Cryorig logo is encased in milky plastic.
Of course we also created a 360 degree view of the Cryorig H7 Quad Lumi.

Last but not least, let’s take a look at the cooler bottom. This is very well polished in both coolers, even if it is not quite enough for mirror smooth.
Cryorig H7 und H7 Quad Lumi installation …