Today we are testing the Magic 2 WiFi next Multiroom Kit, a very special powerline set from devolo. Surely everyone has had bad WLAN reception at some location in their apartment, house, basement or garden and has been looking for a simple solution to improve their WLAN performance. Often WLAN repeaters are used, but they usually halve the WLAN bandwidth. In the following devolo Magic 2 WiFi next review on OCinside.de, we will show you how this works more elegantly with PowerLAN over the power outlet, how high the next G.hn powerline performance is, how the power consumption is and how to set up powerline.
Thanks for the support …
Thanks for the support to the manufacturer devolo.
The devolo Magic 2 WiFi next Multiroom Kit currently has a price of approx. 299 Euro, optionally, a devolo Magic 2 WiFi next Starter Kit (2 adapters) is also available for approx. 199 Euro (09/2020).
Here you can order the devolo Magic 2 WiFi next Powerline. *Ad
The delivery of the devolo Magic 2 WiFi Powerline Set …
Already on the front of the box, devolo advertises that it will stop the weakness of WLAN. Whether this is true, we will see afterwards during the practical tests and benchmarks.
The back shows a few examples, the possible coverage of the living area and the maximum possible speeds.
On the pages you can see a QR Code for additional download of a manual and the software, possible performance during connection and here on this box page even all dimensions of the devolo WiFi adapters with powerline. All in all an exemplary package, where for example only data on the possible power consumption is missing, but more about that later.
Let’s take a curious look inside the box, where we first see a manual and the devolo Magic 2 LAN adapter.
Underneath is a LAN cable and the two devolo Magic 2 WiFi next adapters on the side.
In total, the following components are included in the Powerline Kit:
– devolo Magic 2 LAN adapter
– 2x devolo Magic 2 WiFi next adapter
– an approx. 2 meter long LAN cable
– an illustrated quick start guide
– Safety Instructions
Next, let’s look at the technical data.
devolo Magic 2 WiFi next Multiroom Kit technical specifications …