Installation and operation …
Once we have prepared and connected everything, we will now of course, perform our first solder joints with the Hakko FX-888D.
We used following setup:
Ecobra cutting mat 60x45cm
Felder soldering tin 1mm
rosin/technical alcohol mix 50/50
Technical alcohol 99,9%
Kimwipes cleaning tissues
Insulating tape
Helping hand incl. magnifying glass
After turning on the the station it performs a small self test and briefly displays the temperature set. Shortly thereafter, the heating process, which is indicated with a small blinking dot in the corner begins.
By the setting in the options the preset mode can be activated. You can choose between two and five presets, whose temperatures can be set freely. These are shown in the display and can be selected quickly using the arrow key.
Regarding the heating time we have recently made a short video:
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Between power up and the first solder joint there pass a maximum of 29 seconds, which is probably unique in this price range. The supplied soldering tip is a bit too big for SMD soldering, but provides goods results with normal solder pads. Also the changing of the tips is very easy.
If you want to see, what’s the point with the following picture, you can watch the video right here at OCinside.de or on our OCinside YouTube channel .
We have tested the Hakko FX-888D soldering station with the IR-Repeater. In our OC Fanshop there is a tiny soldering kit available.
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In this video we show you the soldering of the IR-Repeater board, just a few solder joints with the Hakko FX-888D soldering station.
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In this video you can see the finished IR-Repeater.
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And in the following video we’ll show you, how you can solder and resolder some SMDs with the Hakko FX-888D.
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Now we come to our conclusion regarding the Hakko FX-888D soldering station.
Hakko FX-888D soldering station Result and general impression …