Result and general impression …
The workmanship and sleek design of the ToughArmor MB902SPR-B is very impressive as usual from Icy Dock. Due to its construction, the removable frame is not designed for a high write rate, but the Icy Dock ToughArmor MB902SPR-B still delivers what was promised: A solid RAID-1 that mirrors the data on two disks. In addition, the data media can also be read out individually, which is very helpful in calming the nerves of the IT staff in charge in the critical case of a RAID controller failure.
In scenarios where redundancy is more important than write speed, the Icy Dock ToughArmor MB902SPR-B finds exactly its field of application. For example, it could be used in an offsite backup server, where the internet bandwidth is usually the limiting factor.
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