Result and general impression …
Regarding the impression of the Lian Li PC-X510 aluminum case we are stuck in the middle.
It is after all a Lian Li case – so you do not criticize Picasso’s brush stroke …
Nevertheless, we have expected nothing more than perfection, in view of the purchase price of about 400 Euro. The insufficient fan controller or the missing cable, the hard drive mounts and the missing reset button tarnishes the overall impression.
Nevertheless, regard to the processing you can feel at each corner the value of the case: No sharp edges, clean processed materials and some great features, such as magnetic dust filter, bringing the users back this “Lian Li feeling”.
All in all, the Lian Li PC-X510 in our opinion, except for the aforementioned points, is a very high quality
and spacious aluminum case for those who do not need 5.25-inch front bays, e.g. for optical drives, drive mounting frames or additional fan controller.
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Here you can buy the Lian Li PX-X510 aluminum case. *Ad
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