Setup and test results …
The Pulse Radeon RX 5700 XT in Gearbox eGPU case was tested with the following software:
Windows 10 Professional 64 Bit
Unigine Heaven Benchmark 1080p Ultra Settings
Unigine Super Position Benchmark – 1080p Extreme Setting
3DMark Firestrike Extreme
3DMark Timespy
As always we start directly with the Unigine Heaven benchmark and reach 2293 points.
For comparison, we only achieve 963 points with the GTX 970M.
In the more modern Super Position Benchmark we reach 2275 points.
And once again the GTX 970M is at a disadvantage with 1451 points.
We continue with the 3DMark Firestrike Extreme. Here the Radeon RX 5700 XT 9674 scores 9674 points.
Here we see a very clear difference with the GTX 970M with only 3711 points.
The fourth discipline is 3DMark Timespy. In contrast to the other benchmarks, Timespy lets us directly set the GPU and also the display on which the benchmark should run …
… so that we first have a good run with 6608 points.
Then we run the benchmark again, but this time it is calculated by the Radeon 5700 XT again, but output on the laptop internal display. Due to the additional data traffic over the Thunderbolt connection, the result drops to 5565 points.
Of course, we’ll let the GTX 970M show what it can do again afterwards and reach 2368 points.
Over the benchmarks the Sapphire Pulse Radeon RX 5700 XT 8G in Gearbox eGPU case booted with maximum 2008 MHz GPU and 3500 MHz RAM clock!
Except for a 23MHz difference in the GPU clock, the benchmark results can be compared with the recently tested Sapphire Nitro+ Radeon RX 5700 XT 8G SE to estimate the influence of the Sapphire eGPU case and the possible bottleneck caused by the Thunderbolt connection.
Sapphire Gearbox Result and general impression …