Layout, design and features …
The Thermaltake ToughFan series looks very elegant and is extremely well made. Here you can see very nicely the 120mm Thermaltake ToughFan 12 fan. The sticker is as usual on the non-rotating side and contains all the important data for the system assembler like the short form TT-1225 and the part number A1225S12S as well as the voltage DC 12V and a maximum possible power consumption of 0.70 amps and some test seals like CE and TÜV.
On the moving rotor side, air is intake via 9 rotor blades. According to Thermaltake, the fan blades are made of special high quality, static resistant and thermal expansion coefficient materials with special crystal polymer (LCP). Well, we would probably have called it plastic and trust Thermaltake’s choice of words 😀
And even the four sides have been elaborately designed by Thermaltake.
Here you can see the rubberized corners of the fan frame, which are supposed to absorb the last bit of vibration.
Tip: Who wants to save 2mm, can easily remove the rubber buffers!
Since the ToughFan fan is extremely quiet anyway, you could well do without the anti-vibration pads, but the rubber pads provide a little security and the fan rattles with it later even with strong load changes in no case on the case or on the radiator.
Thermaltake ToughFan 12 Installation …