Gigabyte 7IX and MSI 6167 Overclocking Results
Here are some Gigabyte 7IX and MSI 6167 Mainboard Overclocking Results.
On 19.12.1999 we’ve tested two AMD Athlon 500 processors on 3 different boards. We got best results with the new ASUS K7M board. We had some problems to overclock the Athlon processor with the Gigabyte 7IX and MSI 6167 board: – It’s impossible to change CPU-Vcore by Jumper or BIOS. – We soldered the Vcore, but it failed to get results above 700 MHz. I think the reason is the fixed Mainboard VIO to 3,4 Volt, because we got the same problems on ASUS K7M when we set the VIO to 3,4 Volt instead of 3,56 Volt.