Now you should know more about the exact CPU you have inside of your computer. To do so you can now read data of the CPU using software like CPU-Z. Alternatively, it is now time to shutdown and power off the PC by the main switch, open the PC case, remove the CPU heatsink and take a closer look at the name of the CPU. You can then later type in this name or better let’s say product ID in the interactive Intel product ID guide to see the values of this CPU.
Additionally you should write down all other data of the CPU surface, before applying the thermal compound and put on the cooler, because the other data can give you interesting information about the week of manufacture, year of manufacture, the wafer position and the so-called stepping, what may be interesting to compare your own overclocking results with the results of other overclocking enthusiasts. In this OC database (available in English and German) you can take a look at the results of several thousand other overclockers and thus already get an overview about the frequency you can approx. achieve with your CPU. Please do not forget to enter and share your overclocking results for other visitors as well !
SR14A is the so-called Intel sSpec to uniquely identify the so-called C0 stepping and the batch number L310B515, you can split like on AMD very nice to learn more about the Intel CPU.
Batch number L310B515 break down: L stands for Malaysia, 3 stands for the year of production, i.e. 2013, followed by 10 – the calendar week – so KW10.
Composition of the processor speed …