Intel Unlock Overclock Mission
Last week the Redaktion ocinside.de got a request, if we are interested in an unique Intel Unlock Overclock Mission. Intel Unlock Overclock Mission? That sounds a bit unreliable, but after a few mails it was almost clear what we are talking about and of course ocinside.de like to participate in any Unlock or Overclock topic. Thus we agreed without further ado and a few days later came a large package from the United States. The Intel Unlock Overclock report shows what it is about. Without betraying too much – at the end of the mission, there will be a big surprise for the visitors.
Thanks for the support …
Many thanks to the company Intel for this great idea and for this very interesting mission. Another special thanks to Quango Interaction Design, Xigmatek, Caseking, Sapphire and Cooler Master.
The supply …
With a little delay, the mail-order company stand on the doormat and brought this large package from the USA:
That is contained …
Well then let us take a look into the box. TOP SECRET, a blue button and a lot of foam material can be recognized. Very mysterious and just during this photo also the camera breaks down, as one can recognize with a click on the picture by the stripes.
Went quickly to the next store, bought a new Digicam, charged it and go on with unpacking. Lo and behold! Under the foam material is a large Intel suitcase.
Additionally this TOP SECRET envelope was contained, probably with more details about the mission.
The Intel Unlock Overclock Beginning …