
How to overclock the PC. Backup important data before you overclock the PC and take care about good cooling ! We are not responsible for any damages !


It’s very easy to increase the Vcore of Abit KR7 and KG7 (Lite, Raid) by soldering just one resistor to the right point to allow your CPU much higher frequency. Of course it’s necessary to be very careful if you’re soldering something on your mainboard in order not to kill your board. And of course your warranty void if you solder anything on your mainboard ! Therefore i recommend a good grounding and a soldering station with seperate grounding ! … Continue reading ABIT KR7 and KG7 (RAID, Lite) VCORE MOD

ABIT KT7, KT7A, KT7 Raid and KT7A Raid VCORE MOD

It’s very easy to increase the Vcore of Abit KT7, KT7 Raid, KT7A and KT7a Raid by soldering just one resistor to the right point to allow your CPU much higher frequency. Of course it’s necessary to be very careful if you’re soldering something on your mainboard in order not to kill your board. And of course your warranty void if you solder anything on your mainboard ! Therefore i recommend a good grounding and a soldering station with seperate … Continue reading ABIT KT7, KT7A, KT7 Raid and KT7A Raid VCORE MOD

3 possibilities to get the Athlon system to a new speed record

There are 3 possibilities to get the Athlonsystem to a new speed record: – You can carefully increase the FSB clock with SOFTFSB / BUSRACING / CPUBOOST and if it’s possible with your mainboard, adapt the Vcore a little. The advantage of this method is that you don’t have to open the case and you don’t need to use the soldering iron. The disadvantage is in the limitation of the CPU rate, because you should only pull up the FSB … Continue reading 3 possibilities to get the Athlon system to a new speed record

The interactive AMD Athlon 64 online overclocking tool

After the well-known interactive painting guides, interactive product ID guides and further interesting and meaningful Tools to overclock the processors, today the break-through for the simplest overclocking of current CPUs succeeded. Because so far it was completely unclear, that in fact all AMD Athlon 64 processors actually have an identical core, which is set industrial to the respective speed by a special Burn in procedure. This absolutely new discovery makes itself the interactive online overclocking tool of to use, … Continue reading The interactive AMD Athlon 64 online overclocking tool

AOpen AK73 Pro (A) VCORE MOD

It’s very easy to increase the Vcore of AOpen AK73 Pro (A) by soldering just one resistor to the right point to allow your CPU much higher frequency. Of course it’s necessary to be very careful if you’re soldering something on your mainboard in order not to kill your board. And of course your warranty void if you solder anything on your mainboard ! Therefore i recommend a good grounding and a soldering station with seperate grounding ! Before you … Continue reading AOpen AK73 Pro (A) VCORE MOD


It’s very easy to increase the Vcore of the ASRock K7VT2 and the ASRock K7S8X mainboards by soldering just one resistor to the right point to allow your CPU much higher frequency. Of course it’s necessary to be very careful if you’re soldering something on your mainboard in order not to kill your board. And of course your warranty becomes void if you solder anything on your mainboard ! Therefore I recommend a good grounding and a soldering station with … Continue reading ASRock K7VT2 and ASRock K7S8X VCORE MOD


It’s very easy to increase the Vcore of ASUS A7V and A7V-133 by soldering just one resistor to the right points to allow your CPU much higher frequency. Of course it’s necessary to be very careful if you’re soldering something on your mainboard in order not to kill your board. And of course your warranty void if you solder anything on your mainboard ! Therefore i recommend a good grounding and a soldering station with seperate grounding ! Before you … Continue reading ASUS A7V and A7V-133 VCORE MOD

Calculate the maximum rate for the cache/memory

Calculate the maximum rate for the cache/memory: You can easy estimate the maximum cache speed with these few steps. Look at your cache part and you’ll see some numbers on it like 12345-33 The last two numers will mean that you’ve 3,3ns cache. If there’s a 3-digit number at the end you don’t need to calculate something because it’s already the cache rate in MHz. Calculate the following formula to get the allowed ! values: 1 : 3,3ns * 1000 … Continue reading Calculate the maximum rate for the cache/memory


Of course, the Vcore of the ENMIC 8KAX+ and the EPOX EP-8K7A mainboard can be increased about +0,4 Volt by the JP 2 Jumpers, but it’s never enough for hardcore overclocker 😉 But the more important option which is missing complete, is the increasement of VIO and VAGP. The VAGP is very useful for any higher graphiccard overclocking and the VIO helps you to reach better FSB overclocking results. Of course it’s necessary to be very careful if you’re soldering … Continue reading ENMIC 8KAX+ & EPOX EP-8K7A VIO & VCORE MOD

Celeron FSB change

How to change Celerons FSB > 66MHz: If it’s not possible to change the FSB of your Celeron to higher frequencies than 66MHz you have to cover up pin B21 with a adhesive tape or nail varnish. Nail varnish have the advantage, because you can easily fit it over the hole pin and use nail varnish remover if you want to undo this. But that’s your choice… It’s easy to locate this pin – over these pins are some small … Continue reading Celeron FSB change

Change Intel Pentium II/III multiplier

Change the Intel Pentium II/III multiplier: I think you’re waiting for the solution how to unlock the fixed multiplier. It is not impossible to change the multiplier but it’s really hard work, because the main problem is to insert a curcuit between RESET#, IGNNE#, A20M#, LINT0 and LINT1 without jamming the signals. It seems to be impossible but you may have a look how remarkers do it. See here for more information. The links i made to some great articles … Continue reading Change Intel Pentium II/III multiplier


It’s easy to increase the Vcore of the ENMIC 8TCX+, ENMIC 8TCX2+ and the EPOX 8KHA mainboards by soldering just one resistor to the right point to allow your CPU much higher frequency with the plus of Vcore. Of course it’s necessary to be very careful if you’re soldering something on your mainboard in order not to kill your board. And of course your warranty void if you solder anything on your mainboard ! Therefore i recommend a good grounding … Continue reading ENMIC 8TCX+ und EPOX 8KHA VCORE MOD


It’s easy to increase the Vcore of Epox 8KTA3 by soldering just one resistor to the right point to allow your CPU much higher frequency. Of course it’s necessary to be very careful if you’re soldering something on your mainboard in order not to kill your board. And of course your warranty void if you solder anything on your mainboard ! Therefore i recommend a good grounding and a soldering station with seperate grounding ! Before you begin to modify … Continue reading EPOX 8KTA3 VCORE MOD