Step by step display guide …
First, we unroll the desired length of plastic wrap. You could use also laminate if you want no flexibility. Now, let’s take a soft pencil (the best hardness B6) and paint exactly 11 traces side by side on the clingfilm. The exact position surprisingly absolutely no matter.
Here you can see the traces that we need for the data connection to the graphics card later.
Now we need the film cable, you can either take it out of an old CDROM or DVDROM or order it via Amazon *Ad. First, we check again if the width of the FFC matches the pencil lines – if not, we add just a few more pencil lines.
Now let’s get the contacts of the foil cable exactly to the pencil lines and fix the construction with a strip of Scotch tape.
Display power supply …
Of course we need even a power supply, because current needs quite bit. Therefore, we paint now a positive (VCC) and a negative (GND/VSS) on the plastic wrap. With these two pins the display area is determined by the way later.
There we now connect the two crocodile clips to connect the power supply with the plastic wrap. The voltage depends on the diagonal and is calculated by using the well-known URINE formula: U * R = IN Emitter where U is voltage, R is the resistance value and IN stands for inches for the emitter voltage. The resistance value of the B6 pencil per inch is 36 ohms. At a diagonal of 23 cm – that would be about 9 inches – we resolve the formula shortly after U and get 9 in / 36 ohms = 0.25 volts! A huge 90 inch diagonal would need just 2.5 volts and could be operated with two AA batteries. So the cheap plastic wrap display could be pasted even on a bus or truck windshield.
Display control …
Now we continue with the data connection, because without data the film would only shine stupid. The great thing in the plastic wrap is that it doesn’t require a multiplex screen control, but simply uses the graphics output from the SLI or Crossfire connector of a video card. The foil cable was chosen that it fits exactly on the CF/SLI bridge connector on the graphics card.
Who wants could fix the foil cable on the connector with a strip of Scotch tape.
Alternatively, you can use also a Crossfire/SLI bridge, which comes with graphic cards and build a durable connection without tape.
Here you can see the finished plastic wrap display construction.
Applying table salt …
Before it finally comes to the first operation, the plastic wrap must be applied of course with table salt. Because without sodium chloride, it is no Sodium chloride Crystal Display. The saline should be depending on the intensity approximately 0.5-0.8%. This is easily applied with a spray bottle on the plastic wrap and distributed with a sponge or squeegee. Allow to dry for short and the plastic wrap display is ready for use !
Plastic wrap display in operation …